Permanent Residency

Overview & Eligibility

Submit this form if you are applying for GW Sponsorship for Permanent Resident (PR) for an international employee. Please only do so once you have determined that the international individual will be hired into an eligible position for PR.

Once you have determined that the position is eligible for PR and would like to sponsor the individual for PR, please go to ISOGateway and submit the application.

Submit an Application

To request access to ISOGateWay and start working on a scholar application, please follow the below steps:

  1. Log into ISOGateWay.
    *If this is your first time submitting an application in the ISOGateWay system, you will be asked to request access. Please request access and wait for the ISO to approve you. Please send an email to [email protected] for expedited access.
  2. After your access is approved, please log back into ISOGateWay
  3. If your permanent residency applicant is not yet a member of the GW community, click on Departmental Services on the left side, and then click the Add a New Person button near the bottom. If the system says a record already exists for that person, please email [email protected] to ask for the user's internal ISOGateway TEMP ID. 
    *If you are able to add a new person successfully, our system will send you an email containing the applicant's credentials to use for Step 5.
  4. After the new person is added to our system, please click on Departmental Services on the left side again, and then click on the Permanent Residency button on the bottom of the screen. 
  5. Proceed to filling out the Permanent Residency eform, entering the applicant's University ID (this may be a TEMP ID from Step 3) when prompted. 

*Please note that there are different questionnaires that you may need to complete and upload to submit the required form. You are able to Save Draft your submission and return at a later time. Please double check all file uploads have been properly attached and/or saved prior to submitting the form. If there are errors in the form when you click Submit, all uploaded files will need to be re-attached unless you have saved the form.


Please email us at [email protected].