Drop-In Advising

Have a quick question for ISO? Attend one of our Drop-In Advising sessions, where you can talk with an advisor one-on-one during one of the scheduled Drop-In times below. No appointment is needed, although we only a limited number of drop-in advising spots each day.

Drop-in advising spots are first come, first served. Please sign in using the instructions below as soon as possible after our Drop-In Advising hours begin. PLEASE NOTE: Drop-In Advising times are subject to change each week. Please check the below times each week for updated Drop-In Advising Hours.


Drop-In Advising Schedule

ATTENTION: Drop-In will not be held from December 23rd through January 2nd due to the winter break.

Tuesdays: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (In-Person*)  - Drop-In Advising is cancelled on Tuesday, March 18th, 2025. 

Thursdays: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (Virtual) - Drop-In Advising is cancelled on Thursday, March 6th, 2025. 

*Please note these hours are subject to change and may not be held during university holidays.

*For In-Person drop-in advising, please come to our office at 2127 G St NW in Washington, DC.


Signing In (For Virtual Sessions Only)

Is it time for virtual drop-in advising? If so, complete both Step 1 and Step 2 after clicking the button below to sign in. Both steps are required to begin queuing for an advisor.

Step 1: After clicking the blue "Sign In Here" button below, click on the "STEP 1- Sign In First!" link on the next page. You will be asked to sign in with your GW Email or GWID.If Drop-In Advising is closed, you will not see links for Step 1 or Step 2.

Step 2: Return to the blue "Sign In Here" page. After clicking on the Step 2 link, you will begin queuing for a Webex meeting with an ISO advisor. You may need to wait a while until an ISO advisor is available.

Sign in here

(You will need to click this button once for each step!)


Having Trouble?

*If Drop-In Advising is not open, you will not be able to sign in. Please make sure you are clicking on the "Sign in Here" button during times indicated in the Drop-In Advising Schedule above.

*If you see a "Drop-In Advising is Closed!" button during our Drop-In advising hours, please try refreshing the screen after waiting a minute or two.

*If you see a "Drop-In Advising is Closed!" button during our Drop-In advising hours, it is also possible our Drop-In Advising slots are already filled for the day. In this case, please feel free make an appointment or ask us your question via email.

*If many others are in the queue, you may have to wait for your turn. If you do not want to wait, you can also make an appointment or email [email protected].