After You Arrive

After arriving in the U.S. you'll need to update your address, complete the mandatory online check-in, and attend your orientation. After you complete these steps, you are ready to begin your studies at GW! Learn more about these requirements below:
- Updating your Address
Maintaining your addresses in GWeb is extremely important. You are required by law to maintain a valid current address and a valid permanent address in GWeb at all times. Failure to do so is a violation of your immigration status and GW University Policy! The ISO will not be able to register you in SEVIS, the U.S. Government immigration database, until you enter report your addresses in GWeb. Your permanent address must be outside of the U.S. and your current address must be where you are physically living in the U.S. while pursuing your degree at GW. If you move, you must update your address within 10 days of your move.
You can use GWeb to report changes in address 365-days a year, 24-hours a day. You are required to report your address when you arrive in the U.S., and within ten days of moving for the duration of your stay in the U.S. on an F or J visa. Failure to report a change of address is a serious immigration violation and there may be penalties associated with failure to report your address change.
Do not email your address updates to your ISO advisor. It is your responsibility to update your addresses in GWeb.
To Enter/Update your CURRENT Address (address in the U.S.)
1. Visit the GWeb Information System, and click "Current Students"
2. Log in with your GW email account.
3. Go to “Personal Information Menu”.
4. Go to “Update Addresses and Phones”.
5. Select “Current” as the type of address to insert.
- Include a "Valid From:" date.
- Leave the "Until this date" field blank.6. Enter your address. Make sure you complete the "State" and "ZIP Code" fields properly.
7. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
8. Verify that your address was updated correctly.
9. If you need to update this address in the future, click on the “Current” link to the left of the address and insert the new information.To Enter/Update your PERMANENT Address (address outside of the U.S.)
1. Visit the GWeb Information System and click "Current Students"
2. Log in with your GW email.(see above).
3. Go to “Personal Information Menu”.
4. Go to “Update Addresses and Phones”.
5. Select “Permanent” as the type of address to insert.
-Include a "Valid From:" date.
-Leave the "Until this date" field blank.
6. Enter your address. Make sure you complete the "City" and "Nation" fields properly.
7. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
8. Verify that your address was updated correctly.
9. If you need to update this address in the future, click on the “Permanent” link to the left of the address and insert the new information.- Mandatory Online Check-In
After arriving in the U.S. you'll need to submit your Mandatory Online Check-In. Because the Check-In coincides with the busiest times of year you should expect the process to take some time, so be sure to get started as soon as you arrive. To complete your Online Check-In, please log into ISOGateWay and then click on the New Student Online Check In link at the bottom of the page under "Requests". Please do not worry if the major that appears in this link is different than your current major.
You should then be able to click on the F-1 or J-1 Student Online Check In link, after which you should be able to fill in the form and submit it.
Having Trouble?
If you are unable been able to complete your online check-in through ISOGateway, please contact [email protected] and an ISO staff member will assist you.
- International Student Orientation
All international students are expected to attend an in-person orientation. Please note that the dates and requirements for F-1 and J-1 orientations may differ. For more information, please visit our comprehensive New International Student Orientation Page.
Fall 2024 Graduate F-1 Students: Please note that the ISO New International Student Orientations are in addition to any school or program-specific orientation offered by your respective academic schools. Be sure that you understand which days/times you'll be expected to attend orientation.
Fall 2024 Undergraduate F-1 Students: Please note that the ISO New International Student Orientation is included in your multi-day New Student Orientation programming offered by GW's Division for Student Affairs. You should follow the schedule and instructions sent to you by the New Student Orientation team.