Online Check-In

Online Check-In

All new international students are required to complete their Online Check-In and upload their immigration documents in ISOGateway. 

***These next steps are required and are to be done as soon as possible. The first few requirements can be done while you are still in your home country and MUST be completed before you come to GW.


  1. Claim your UserID and password then return to this page 
  2. After claiming your UserID and password, visit ISOGateWay.
  3. Click on the "Login" button to log in with your GW Email Address.
    ISO Gateway Home Screen
  4. Click on the Check-In: Main Campus link under "Requests"
    ISO Gateway Profile Page
  5. Choose "Passport Upload" to begin your online check-in process. 
  6. Complete all available eforms in the Prior to Arrival, Resources, and Orientation sections. Do not complete the After Arrival section until after you have arrived in the United States.
    ISO Gateway Passport Upload E-Form



If you have trouble completing the Pre-Arrival E-form, please email [email protected]